
What to look for by joining our conference

Best ePoster/Oral

There will be six awards in the value of 100 € (in cash) for the Best oral/ePoster contributions

Top score on ePoster Game

There will be two awards in the value of 30 € (Gift card) for the two top scorers in the ePoster game


There will be two awards in the value of 30 € (Gift card) for the most networking interaction.

To win a networking award, you need to like and leave comments on the Oral and ePoster contributions until 23rd July 2021.

4 Best ePoster/Oral from MDPI Energies Journal

awards in the value of 100 € (in cash)*

*The winners will be announced on 8th July 2021.

2 Best ePoster/Oral from F1000 research Journal

awards in the value of 100 € (in cash)*

*The winners will be announced on 8th July 2021.

4 Awards from University of Porto

 in the value of 30 € (gift card)*

*The winners will be announced on 23rd July 2021.